A level essay writing tips
Essay Topics For Combining The Methods
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Business Stabilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Stabilization - Essay Example This proposition features the disjoint and freedom in flexibly and request dependent on schedule and people. This is a sharp complexity to the perspective on the traditional monetarist who didn't mull over the chance of a delay in the middle of winning and use and the investment funds culture. This was the beginning stage for Keynesian Economics. As expressed before, financial arrangement is of more significance than fiscal approach in the perspective on Keynesian Economist. Keynesians accept that cash is an advantage which can be held for the good of its own and not similarly as a fleeting home of buying power. Keynesians do no accept that adjustments in cash flexibly effectsly affect financial exercises. Keynesianism additionally doesn't deal with the traditional conviction that cash can be directed to influence monetary exercises. In spite of the fact that it will be an exaggeration to state that Keynesianism doesn't perceive cash as being significant, it ought to anyway be placed in appropriate point of view. Cash doesn't directly affect the economy. Before cash can be said to affect the economy, Keynesians accept that an adjustment in cash gracefully should impact loan cost which ought to thus convert into an adjustment in speculation levels and at last affect national salary, at exactly that point would money be able to be said to issue. Pace of Ms1 Rate of Net Ms= Money Supply Interest Ms2 interest Md = Money request r1 r1 r2 r2 M1 M2 Ms Md r3 b Investment Passing by the graphical outline above, It is promptly detectable that, bringing down the loan fee will have no effect on an inelastic speculation bend. Keynesians likewise accept that the essential connection between cash gracefully and the economy is loan cost with two other auxiliary connection of the capacity of the financing cost to influence ventures and for changes in speculations to influence national pay these connections as per Keynesianism are exceptionally frail. Legislators in the UK over the span of electioneering and battle show immense information on Keynesianism with the manner in which Economic approaches are drawn up. The two principle parties in the UK today are the Conservative and Labor parties, each having their customary perspective on financial arrangements and how the Government is relied upon to intercede in the economy. Be that as it may, in the post war period, there hosts been cross-gathering accord as respects monetary strategy with extremely extraordinary tendency of both the left and the privilege towards Keynesianism. There has similarly been a lot of talk from the two sides on how best to control the monetary activities of the Government with the end goal of encouraging certain financial arrangement targets. These targets incorporate value solidness, outer harmony, financial turn of events and development, salary appropriation and so forth instruments of monetary arrangement, for example, charge, Government consumption and loan fees are thoughts that have been proliferated in the journey to accomplish the in advance of referenced destinations. The conviction is that by adjusting the monetary strategy, wretchedness inside an economy can be survived. Both the work and traditionalist gathering concurred that some key ventures ought to be possessed by the state in a procedure of nationalization. In any case
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Government Censorship Essays - Content-control Software, Free Essays
Government Censorship Essays - Content-control Software, Free Essays Government Censorship Proposal: Government Censorship would harm the climate of the opportunity to communicate thoughts on the Internet; along these lines, government ought not energize restriction. Presentation I. In the Internet people group, there is an enormous volume of specialized terms. Therefore, it is first important to look at the phrasing explicit to Internet. 1.The web is an overall PC organize. 1.Electronic mail (email), which is one part of the Internet, approximates individual to individual letters, memoranda, notes and even calls. 2.Another term that is frequently utilized is electronic news (enews/Usenet), enews is a communicate, allowed to the Internet medium. 3.The term FTP is additionally every now and again utilized. Record move convention (FTP) began as an Web documented and recovery medium, fairly undifferentiated from conventional libraries. 4.The internet (WWW), which is another segment of the Net, can be utilized to distribute material that would customarily show up in diaries, magazines, banners, books, TV and even on film. 2.It is additionally basic to give a concise history on the web. 3.The U.S. government is currently attempting to pass bills to forestall abuse of the Net. II. So as to comprehend the requirement for the ever-developing assemblage of enactment, it is imperative to investigate the debate, and the present issues engaged with the Net as it exists must be presented. 1.The issue that worries the vast majority is hostile materials, for example, erotic entertainment. 2.Another vital web wrongdoing is the taking of Mastercard numbers. III. One response to this inapplicability has been the Censor the Net methodology (the control charge), we are currently to think about its preferences and hindrances. 1.First, the importance of Censoring the Net must be clarified. 2.However, numerous specialists have brought up that administration restriction is preposterous. 1.First, it isn't reasonable for avoid the opportunity and harm the air of uninhibitedly communicating thoughts only for the security of kids. 2.Most web clients are making the most of their ability to speak freely on the Net, which is expected to be ensured by our First Amendment. 3.Additionally, just an extremely little part of the Net contains hostile material, most individuals don't utilize the Net for erotic entertainment. 4.It must be comprehended that controlling the Net is in fact incomprehensible. 5.While individuals are worried about Internet erotic entertainment, it ought to be perceived that erotic entertainment is once in a while lawful; for instance, sex entertainment is legitimate in video and magazines. IV. There are numerous elective measures to government control which would forestall abuse of the Net and would have indistinguishable impacts from oversight. 1.It is significant for guardians to give moral direction to their kids, and guardians ought to have this obligation. 2.However, simultaneously as we do moral direction, we need to come out with a few momentary ways to deal with tackle the issue in a progressively proficient manner also. 3.An option in contrast to government oversight is the innovative fix, which would forestall abuse of the Net and would have indistinguishable impacts from government oversight. 1.One case of innovative fix is the SurfWatch programming. 2.Also, business Internet specialist co-ops, for example, America Online, permit guardians to control what Internet hand-off talk (IRC) meetings are accessible to their kids. 3.Another innovative fix is for guardians and gatekeepers to have a different intermediary server for their youngsters' internet browser. 4.There are no PC projects to consequently and dependably order material; just individuals can do it. Subsequently, while rehearsing mechanical fixes, the grouping of the substance of the material when posting is significant. 5.Nowadays, most web clients characterize their postings with standard classes, and leave marks toward the finish of postings. 6.The mix of the establishment of controlling programming and the arrangement of materials is a greatly improved arrangement than government control. End Book reference The Internet is a brilliant spot of amusement and instruction yet like all spots utilized by millions of individuals, it has some cloudy corners individuals would lean toward kids not to investigate. In the physical world society all in all plots to secure kids, however there are no social or physical requirements to Internet surfing. The Internet Censorship Bill of 1995, otherwise called the Exon/Coats Communications Decency Act, has been presented in the U.S. Congress. It would make it a criminal offense to make accessible to kids whatever is profane, or to send anything revolting with aim to disturb, misuse, undermine, or bother (Stop the Communications ... n.p.). The objective of this bill as composed (despite the fact that not
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
An Interview about the Interview
An Interview about the Interview Yimin asks: What is interview like? Good question. Lets start at the very beginning. (A very good place to start.) 0. Is an interview required? No, its not required, but I highly suggest having one. Your interview gives us a vivid sense of you as a person and how you would fit at MIT something the paper application alone can never match. Dont get me started on selection bias, but if you crunch some raw numbers, the admit rate for applicants who had interviews (or whose interviews were waived) is about three times the admit rate for those who didnt. 1. With whom do you interview? Youll interview with an MIT alum, otherwise known as an Educational Counselor (EC). 2. Where do you interview? Your interviewer will live/work nearby, so youll interview in your hometown area. Theres no need to bike/fly/hitchhike to Boston for your interview. 3. How do you schedule an interview? You will receive your Educational Counselors (EC) name and contact information via your MyMIT account. Please note that there may be times when there is no EC in your area and we will waive your interview. It is your responsibility to check your MyMIT account to find out the name of your EC, and to schedule the interview before the interview deadline. 4. What are the deadlines for interviews? If youre applying early action (which is non-binding, btw), youll need to set up the interview no later than October 20, and conduct it no later than November 1. For regular action, the deadlines are December 1 and December 15, respectively. Your EC will probably get busier as the deadline approaches, so I suggest scheduling your interview as early as possible. 5. What will happen in the interview? Every interview is different and ECs dont have a fixed set of questions you must answer. Basically, your EC wants to get to know you as a person so he/she can add another layer (both metaphorically and physically) to your application file. Because your EC is an alum of MIT, he/she will be able to share with you experiences and memories about his/her time at MIT. The interview really is a two-way exchange, so take advantage of this and feel free to ask questions of your EC as well. Remember: questions of science, science and progress, do not speak as loud as [your] heart. 6. What is your advice for the interview? Some interviewers like to see that you have researched MIT and have specific questions for them. This does not mean you should have memorized course numbers or already picked out your living group. I think good traits to convey during your interview are enthusiasm, maturity, and respect. It sounds hokey, but all that stuff about making your personality shine through really means a lot. If you are a freshman applicant with questions about the interview process that arent answered above, please send an e-mail to: [emailprotected] (I copied that sentence from the MyMIT section on interviews. To get to this page, which has additional information: sign in, click the light green tab how to APPLY and then on the left click INTERVIEWS)
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Comparison of Evil in Edgar Allan Poe´s The Cask of...
â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†by Edgar Allan Poe and â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†by Flannery OConnor explore the depths of evil and what makes an individual truly evil. They both question are understanding of evil and the different forms it may present itself in. These stories do an equally good job at getting the reader to see true evil first hand, even though they present evil in much different ways. As humans we can differentiate evil from good most of the time there is usually a clean cut line from a morally just action from one that is not. When we look at Falnnery O’Connors â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†we see many forms of evil even before we meet the criminals. The family has a trip planned to Florida which the grandmother does not approve of because she would rather visit Tennessee. The grandmother then tries to per sway the family by instilling fear bringing up â€Å"The Misfits†who were local criminals that just escaped from prison; although her actions may seem rather insignificant and perhaps even debatable if they are evil, the grandmother’s actions can still be perceived as selfish. The grandmother’s selfish motives can be viewed as a form evil even if it is not the worst evil. This begs the question where precisely does the line lay on what is done through purely evil motives and if the line is really as clear cut as we may possibly think it is? In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†the narrator Montresor claims that Fortunato has hurt him a thousand times before, but
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
How to Ask Polite Questions in English
There are three types of questions in English: direct, indirect, and question tags. Direct and indirect questions are used to ask for information you do not know, while question tags are generally used to clarify or confirm the information you think you know. Each of these three question types can be used politely, but certain indirect forms are more formal and polite than other types of questions. One form to avoid when asking for things is the imperative form. Saying Give me that (imperative) instead of Could you give me that (indirect) puts you at risk of sounding rude. To learn more about how to ask polite questions, and use each form correctly, check out the overview below. Asking Direct Questions Direct questions are either yes/no questions such as Are you married? or information questions such as Where do you live? Direct questions ask for information immediately without including extra language such as I wonder or Can you tell me. Construction Direct questions place the helping verb before the subject of the question: (Question word) Helping Verb Subject Verb Objects ? Where do you work?Are they coming to the party?How long has she worked for this company?What are you doing here? Making Direct Questions Polite Direct questions can seem abrupt or even impolite at times, especially when asked by a stranger. For example, if you come up to someone and ask: Does the tram stop here?What time is it?Can you move?Are you sad? There is nothing wrong with asking questions in this manner, but to sound more polite, its very common to add excuse me or pardon me at the beginning of a question. For example: Excuse me, when does the bus leave?Excuse me, what time is it?Pardon me, which form do I need?Pardon me, may I sit here? Key Words That Make Direct Questions More Polite In informal situations, one could use the word can in a direct sentence. In the United States, can is considered to be incorrect for written English in particular because, in the past, it was not a word used when asking for something. Saying May I have instead of Can I have is preferred in the U.S. In the United Kingdom, the word is not frowned upon. Cambridge University publishes English teaching materials with the phrase Can you lend me, Can I have, etc. In both countries, questions with can are made more polite by using could: Excuse me, could you help me pick this up?Pardon me, could you help me?Pardon me, could you give me a hand?Could you explain this to me? Would can also be used to make questions more polite: Would you lend me a hand with the wash?Would you mind if I sat here?Would you let me borrow your pencil?Would you like something to eat? Another way of making direct questions more polite is to add please at the end of the question. Please should not appear at the beginning of the question: Could you fill in this form, please?Could you help me, please?Can I have more soup, please? May is used as a formal means to ask for permission and is very polite. It is usually used with I, and sometimes we. May I come in, please?May I use the telephone?May we help you this evening?May we make a suggestion? Asking Indirect Questions to Be Especially Polite Using indirect question forms is especially polite. Indirect questions request the same information as direct questions, but they are considered more formal. Notice that indirect questions begin with a phrase (I wonder, Do you think, Would you mind, etc.). Construction Indirect questions always begin with an introductory phrase and unlike direct questions, they do not invert the subject. To form an indirect question, use an introductory phrase followed by question words for information questions, and if or whether for yes/no questions. Introductory Phrase Question Word/If/Whether Subject Helping Verb Main Verb? Can you tell me where he plays tennis?I wonder if you know what time it is.Do you think she will be able to come next week?Excuse me, do you know when the next bus leaves? Introductory phrase question word (or if) positive sentence I wonder if you could help me with this problem.Do you know when the next train leaves?Would you mind if I opened the window? NOTE: If you are asking a yes-no question, use if to connect the introductory phrase with the actual question statement. Do you know if she will come to the party?I wonder if you can answer a few questions.Can you tell me if he is married? Otherwise, use a question word where, when, why, or how to connect the two phrases. Using Question Tags for Clarification Question tags turn statements into questions. Depending on the intonation of the voice, they are used to verify information that we think is correct or to ask for more information. If the voice goes up at the end of the sentence, the person is asking for more information. If the voice drops, someone is confirming information that is known. Construction We can understand question tags as having two parts separated by a comma. The first part uses the subject followed by a helping verb as used in direct questions (Has she). The second part uses the opposite form of the helping verb followed by the same subject (Hasnt she). Subject Helping verb Objects ,  Opposite Helping Verb Subject? You live in New York, dont you?She hasnt studied French, has she?Were good friends, arent we?Ive met you before, havent I? Polite Questions Quiz First, identify which type of question is asked (i.e. direct, indirect, or question tag). Next, provide a missing word to fill in the gap to complete the question. Can you tell me ______ you live?They wont attend this class, _____ they?I wonder ______ you like chocolate or not.______ me, what time does the train leave?Excuse me, _____ you help me with my homework?Do you know how long Mark _____ been working for that company?_____ I make a suggestion?Excuse me, do you know _____ the next show begins? Answers wherewillif/whetherExcuse/Pardoncould/wouldhasMaywhen / what time
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Do You Agree With This Portrayal Of The Reasons Why The Troubles Continued Into The 1990’s Free Essays
Do You Agree With This Portrayal Of The Reasons Why The Troubles Continued Into The 1990’s? Explain Your Answer Using The Source And Your own Knowledge. The cartoon in source J drawn in 1991 is an accurate depiction of the reasons and troubles in Northern Ireland in the early 1990’s. Each of the characters in the picture represents a factor that helped continue the problems in Northern Ireland. We will write a custom essay sample on Do You Agree With This Portrayal Of The Reasons Why The Troubles Continued Into The 1990’s? or any similar topic only for you Order Now The staircase continues in a vicious circle because all the factors are linked. However, the cartoon does not apply to the end of the 1990’s because the factors were beginning to be sorted out and the Good Friday Agreement was signed. One of the main reasons for the trouble in Northern Ireland was that the politicians weren’t working together or listening to each other’s points and views. In the cartoon, the man holding ballot papers and wearing a large badge represents a politician of either a republican or unionist organization. The unionists wanted to stay part of Great Britain and British Rule. The leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) Reverend Ian Paisley had a strong influence in the 1960’s 70’s and 80’s that caused violence. The republicans wanted a split from Great Britain and become part of the republic of Ireland. Gerry Adams, the president of Sinn Fein and Pat Doherty, vice President both were strong advocates of this. Gerry Adams was involved with the Irish Republican Army in the seventies, along with Martin McGuinness. The unionists and republicans didn’t want to work together even in the early and mid-90’s. In February 1995, the British and Irish Governments drew up the Joint Framework Document. This included a new assembly for Northern Ireland and North-south Council of Ministers, which have a say over a whole range of issues. 1995 saw Northern Irelands lowest death toll since the troubles began, but there were still problems. Unionists were sceptical about the plan for a North-South Council of ministers because they though there was a possible chance it would lead to a united Ireland. Then the IRS and Sinn Fein did not want to decommission their weapons because they did not trust the British Government. David Trimble, the new Ulster Unionist Party leader, gave his total support to the peace process and US Senator George Mitchell worked to achieve a settlement that everyone would agree to. By the late 1990’s most politicians were working together for peace and they signed the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. In the cartoon there is a man holding a gun and walking in the opposite direction to the others on the staircase. He represents the terrorism and during the early 1990’s paramilitary groups such as the Irish Republican Army (IRA), the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) and the Ulster Defence Association (UDA), caused a great deal of destruction in Northern Ireland. The IRA is a mainly Catholic organization who wanted to push the British Army out of Northern Ireland and for Northern Ireland to join the Republic. Gerry Adams (Sinn Fein) had a leading role in the organization of Bloody Friday, along with Seamus Twomey and Ivor Bell (senior Provisionals), which took place July 21st 1972. The IRA planted and exploded 22 bombs, which, in the space of 75 minutes, killed 9 people and seriously injured approximately 130 others. Then on the 31st July 1972 the Claudy Bombing, also known as Bloody Monday, nine people were killed, (2 under 16 and four over 60). Although the IRA was suspected of planting the bombs, no proof was found or confession made. Martin McGuinness, a senior figure of the IRA and the ‘number two’ at the time of Bloody Sunday Massacre on 30th January 1972 where thirteen were killed and thirteen more were shot and injured on a civil right march. While McGuinness was in power, 17 British Army soldiers, 11 civilians, 9 from the Claudy Bombing, 4 UDR members and 2 Royal Ulster Constabulary officers were all killed. Martin McGuinness has since become Sinn Fein’s chief negotiator. The Protestant Paramilitary groups wanted to get rid of the IRA and protect the Protestant communities. In 1966, a group of Shankill Road loyalists began to use the UVF name. UVF members and members of Ian Paisley’s Ulster Protestant Volunteers (UPU) carried out a series of explosions at public utilities and tried to blame them on the then nearly non-existent IRA. In 1972 Billy Hutchinson and two others brutally stabbed to death Social Democratic and Labour Party politician, Paddy Wilson. In this horrific attack Mr Wilson’s girlfriend Irene McDonald had her breasts cut off. It appears that the attackers were particularly angry because Irene McDonald was a Protestant. Police believe that the Northern Ireland Paramilitary groups were responsible for 22 deaths, 251 shootings and 78 bombing all in 1997. Although this seems like a lot of violence, it was nowhere near as much as past performances and had become less active. 1994 saw ceasefires from the paramilitaries, but the IRA and Sinn Fein didn’t agree to it. By the late 1990’s Paramilitaries had stopped most of their violent activities due to the initiative of the Good Friday agreement. The man with a pipe in his mouth and the woman holding a small child may represent the social and economic situation and problems that were faced by many of the low working classes of both Protestant and Catholic backgrounds in Northern Ireland. Unemployment was a big issue in Northern Ireland where a higher rate of unemployment amongst members of the Catholic community than the Protestant community has always been the case. In 1976, the first Fair Employment Act in Northern Ireland established a Fair Employment Agency in an attempt to prevent religious and political discrimination in Northern Ireland. The 1989 Fair Employment Act brought about the establishment of the Fair Employment Commission, which exists today to keep an eye on employment practices, and a Fair Employment Tribunal to hear complaints. In 1981 47% of Catholics in Northern Ireland were unemployed to the 22% of Protestantwho were unemployed. But by 1997 Catholics had 40% of the jobs available in Northern Ireland. Housing was an even bigger issue. Overcrowding was a huge problem in 1960’s. For a house to be overcrowded if there was more than two people live there per room excluding the bathroom and kitchen. In the area of South Ward in Londonderry, a predominantly Catholic area, there was over 6 000 people living overcrowded accommodation. In the early 1970’s, much of the housing provision in Northern Ireland was inadequate. In 1971, only 63% of Catholic homes in Northern Ireland had hot water, a fixed bath or shower, and an inside toilet, as opposed to 72% of Protestant homes. This gap has however been narrowed over the past 25 years, with almost all homes in Northern Ireland (98%), both Catholic and Protestant being furnished with these facilities and since 1971, the Government has invested over à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½9 000 million in public housing in Northern Ireland. By the late 1990’s the economic situation had dramatically improved with grants, money from America and peace. On the walls of the staircase, two years are mentioned that represent both Catholic and Protestant successes. These past events have helped people remember their differences and this has led to violence. 1690 was the battle of Boyne. This was when William of Orange (Protestant) defeated the Catholic King of England, James the second. This came after James had been overthrown and his daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange were asked to rule. James fled immediately to France where he found support from the French King. Louis the fourteenth gave him troops and ship to help him retain his title. James set sail for Ireland where he would gather support from the Catholics. All went well for James and soon Ulster was in desperate need of help from William. James attacked Londonderry and the siege lasted long enough for William to form an army and bring them to Ireland. Then in July of 1960 William killed James but it wasn’t until the next year that the Jacobite forces (James supporters) were defeated. This is a very important event for the Protestants and every July they march through Dumcree to commemorate the event. The second date on the staircase is 1916 and in this year bought the battle of Somme, where the 36th Ulster division sent men across the cannel and began to disembark in France. They fought with other troops and there bravery was awarded with medals in 1918. This is also very important to the protestant today and they remember it accordingly. In the same year, on 17th April the Irish Citizen Army, together with the Irish Volunteers, rose up in arms against the might of the British Empire to strike a blow for Irish freedom and for the setting up of an Irish Republic. James Connolly, the General Secretary of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union and founder of the Irish Socialist Revolutionary Party, was one of the main leaders in the struggle for national freedom. 1000 volunteers and workers’ troops stayed put in the centre of Dublin in battle with the British army. After a week of fighting which destroyed the city centre, the volunteers were forced to surrender British troops succeeded although suffering great loses. Connolly was arrested and Arthur Henderson, the secretary of the Labour Party signed for hi death, which took place on 12th May. Catholics remember this as one of the first steps to their independence. However, unlike other causes of violence the remembrance of these events in the forms of the marching seasons of both Catholics and Protestants bought tension that led to violence and still saw problems in the late 1990’s. The man holing a bible is either a priest or minister and represents the problems religion caused in Northern Ireland. Ever since the sixteenth century when Henry VIII started to meddle in the way that Ireland was ruled and changing the Church of England there have been problems but it wasn’t until James II started plantations to balance the Catholic majority in Ireland so they couldn’t attack England. The Protestants pushed in and took the Catholics land and money and violence really started. The segregation of Catholics and Protestants meant that living arrangements, education and employment were affected. People of different religions were forced to live in separate areas and a person of a different religion found in the others area was often attacked. Children were also forced to attended segregated schools. They were taught that the other religion was bad and as they grew older that found problems created by prejudice. Some people had hardly any contact with another religion because catholic companies employed Catholics and Protestant companies employed Protestants. This caused many problems because when contact was made it would not be good because neither had been educated about the other and new nothing of each other. Many religious leaders have worked hard to find peace in the late 1990’s. Reverend Ian Paisley (Protestant leader in Northern Ireland), was ordained in the Reformed Presbyterian Church in 1946, co founded a new sect, the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster in 1951, which soon grew to over 30 churches. He fought and protested for many years. Although religion still divides many areas in Northern Ireland religious leaders are fully behind the Good Friday Agreement. The cartoon drawn in 1991 shows an accurate portrayal of the reasons for the troubles in Northern Ireland up until the early 1990’s. However in the late 1990’s the troubles were beginning to be resolved and the Good Friday Agreement had a strong impact. The agreement saw better housing, more employment, education and political opportunities, the end to the majority of the violence and politicians working together. The Good Friday Agreement has not eliminated all the problems as there is still violence going on today, for example, the Northern Irish police found explosives that had been dumped that were linked to the IRA. How to cite Do You Agree With This Portrayal Of The Reasons Why The Troubles Continued Into The 1990’s?, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Table Tennis Corruption
Question: Discuss about theTable Tennis Corruption. Answer: Introduction: Sports have been an important part of the living, but corruption in sports have ruined the real meaning of the sports and has dropped down the levels of many games. Sports are big phenomena in todays era. Corruption in sports has resulted in the real changes in the essence of the games, hence has to lead to a decrease in the curiosity of the fans to follow their sportsmen and appreciate their work. It is a divergent phenomenon which is very important part of life and the human values are connected with it. In this essay will discuss the corruption in the Table tennis. The game Table tennis also includes the factors such as the doping, match-fixing, and betting. It should be matter of concern and not of permission (Bakin Smirnov, 2012). Table tennis is governed around the globe by the organizationInternational Table Tennis Federation(ITTF). The organisation ITTF was founded in the year 1926 and is responsible for the regulation of the game. New challenges are being faced by the sport s persons in the Table tennis game. The involvement of the sportspersons into the drugs or the doping business results in losing the interest of the sports fans in their favourite sports Table tennis. In this essay will discuss about the Betting corruption in the Table tennis sport which results to challenge the confidence of the public in the integrity of the contest, which is essentially contrary to the spirit of activity and is to be eradicating at any costs. Therefore it is revealed betting corruption in Table tennis sports is becoming a huge problem which is affecting the game and the players in a great way (Mazanov Connor, 2010). After researching various cases all over the world in Table Tennis sports the main reason behind the corruption and their social costs are analysed. Betting in Table Tennis Betting is known as accepting, laying or making a gamble of money or the other structure of the economic speculation. It also includes, devoid of limitation, actions commonly referred to as the sports betting such as the unchanging and successively odds, totalisator games, betting exchange, live betting and spread betting that is offered by the operators resulting into the sports betting. Betting, act as an integrity threat to the Table tennis sport. The various corruption cases of table-tennis and criminal gangs launder involved more than 80million euro in a year from betting in which fans get disappointed by the doping, fixing and corruption that has been rampant in the game (Sindik, 2014). For the better understanding of the betting corruption in the Table tennis game will discuss the few scandals which occurred in the Table Tennis game. Including the different fraudulent activities related to the betting are divergent to the law and is correlated to the match-fixing and structured crime. Online betting and Internet gambling generate huge profits that are normally outside the control of existing management legislation and consequently a chance for the criminal activity. The data in the Australian Betting Statistics showed that in the year 2014-2015 Australian lost almost 30% in the sports due to the Betting (Maennig, 2002). Any support, participation or promotion of, any type of the betting related to an occasion or opposition includes betting with the other person, on the result, outcome, progress, conduct of such competition or event. This regulation applies to all the form of the betting which is related to the competition or the events, in which the participant directly participates. The betting in Table tennis was observed in the case of the corruption scandal held in Singapore regarding table-tennis. The president of the Singapore table tennis association(STTA) for almost twenty years who was also the member of the Singaporean parliament who use to look after the citizens interests held responsible for the breaking of law. The (CPIB) corrupt practices investigation bureau of Singapore received the various objections about the president whose name is Choo Wee Khiang was paying bills with STTAs money. (Martinent Decret, 2014) Many of his complaints were carried out by the CPIB investigation and player told that Liu Zhong, paid Choo around 1000 dollars for representing Singapore in the international tournaments. It was also told that in the year 2003 and 2004 Choo also received 1200 dollars from the national coach of China for approving the use of two training facilities in China. Soon after, it is also revealed that together with ex-high performance manager of STTA was also responsible for paying Luo Jie almost 6500 us dollars for a work that he never did (Bańkosz Szumielewicz, 2014). This was not the first time that happened STTAs president was found many times involved in such kind of issues, some facts also come to light that for two years he was imprisoned and had to pay around 7000 us dollars as a fine for helping a friend to cheat in a finance company and to get the loan of almost 6400000 US dollar. Because of these frauds made by him, Choos trial has been postponed twice during the mont h at the request of his lawyer. In case, if the Choo was found to be guilty then he has to pay the 70000 US dollars fine and has to be in jail for five years at a charge. For china, table tennis is a very serious game, and it is referred as national ball there, china is very secretive about the rules and regulation between the players, and are very suspicious and dishonest about the punishments. In 2012, Chinese table tennis player named Zhang Jike beat his competitor and also his teammate Ma Long in a seven-set match in the championship round of world cup in Dusseldorf, Germany. He is an awesome talent, one of the best players in the history of table-tennis. He has also won the last two tournaments in the world championship and also took gold in the London Olympics in 2012. But soon after his victory in Dusseldorf drag more headlines to Betting than what he has done before. Jike celebrated his victory by winning heavily and by kicking through a couple cardboard barriers of including the names of the tournaments advertisers, and removing his shirt and throwing it in the crowd (Bańkosz Szumielewicz, 2014). It was all PG- rated. Jimi Hendrix lighting his guitar on fire in Monterey and the tournaments jury decided that this was inappropriate behaviour for an athlete in a sport unassuming as table tennis. They plunder Jike of his entire purse about$56000. The celebrations for his victory and ensuing absurd punishment made headlines not only in china but around the world. They have to face the most press table tennis has ever got in the recent years (Numerato, 2009). The entire incident serves as a figure of speech for the table tennis establishments and the deep rooted and self-destructive tendency towards small time thinking. According to the jury, sports are supposed to be exciting and fun emotions are supposed to run so high that they occasionally spill over. It is an inappropriate fine but $56000 is a lot of money in Betting. This table tennis game should be treated with respect and dignity (Rodenberg Kaburakis, 2013). In order to ensure safety and also for the purpose of safeguarding the main integrity of table tennis, the following rules has been adopted by the ITTF (i) carefully prohibiting any kind of conduct which might impact the improper outcome of the competitions and the events (ii) to ensure the establishing of a mechanism of sanction and enforcement for all those concerned who, by their corrupt conduct, tries to put the game and its integrity at serious risk. The association of the ITTF is fully committed to making sure that all kinds of the practical steps, as well as the procedures, are adopted so that the game is played and the integrity and respect of the game are sustained.The Continental Federations and the National Associations are also to put in place various and similar rules and strict regulations so that the game remains away from falling into any bad hands. Any kind of the allegations or any type of suspicion of the violation of 6.2 is required to reported to the association of ITTF for serious investigation and also possible punishment is ensured to be given to the wrong doers. The association ay also blacklists all such people who take the help of the wrong to ensure their participation in the tournaments which are inaugurated by the ITTF. The wrong doings are carefully scrutinized and the guilty are tried to be found at the earliest and then the appropriate action is taken against them so that the game is always placed in safer hands. The ITTF have got its own discretion, where the association deems and provides the punishments to the guilty ones as per their rules and regulations. The decisions are taken by the competent authorities under strict outcomes so that in future no other attempt which is similar to it gets repeated. It is vital that the result of the sporting competitions is completely dependent and also based comprehensively on the merits basis and the competing spirits of the competitors are maintained. Any kind of the corruption which may undermine the people's confidence refer the integrity of the concerned sporting contest is strictly handled and is considered as fundamentally contrary refer the true spirit of the sportspersons. Such kinds of the thinkings and acts are eradicated at each step by the association. The association is often very friendly but at times where there exists the requirement to ensure to maintain the dignity of the game, the rules, and the activities which are performed by the association are really harsh ones. Conclusion: There are many scandals which are revealed every day and in it, many of the coaches are also involved. It seems like they are playing only for their self-motive and the money and not for the pride of their nation. Sports player in the world has been left disappointed by the recent doping, fixing, corruption that has been rampant in many games. In an interview conducted last year, the famous sports person Lance Armstrong who had already won seven Tour de France titles admitted that he use to take the performance enhancement drugs that helped him to win these titles (Lastra, Bell, Bond, 2016). In every game, whether it is cricket, tennis, boxing, soccer, table-tennis corruption is involved. According to these two personalities Paoli and Donate (2013), there are four trends which have affected sports activities medicalization by which the human problems and conditions come to be defined and thus become the matter of medical study. Secondly, politicization and commercialization where sport have become the business to trade, worth more than US$141 billion annually (Bańkosz, 2012). References Bakin, A. Smirnov, A. (2012). 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